Catastrophe Claim Inspection Services

In the wake of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, StrikeCheck is offering an additional catastrophe claim inspection service to help carriers settle claims more quickly for their policyholders. As much of the industry is in dire need of adjustment resources, this service will help insurance carriers and independent adjusting firms handle the sheer volume of catastrophe claims, supplying additional “boots on the ground” for field inspections.

Service Description

StrikeCheck’s representative will visit the loss location to photo document damages and provide a report back to desk adjusters, who can use the information collected to settle the claim. The services are particularly helpful for total loss claims where carriers are potentially paying limits and for flood damages where there is no coverage. We are offering multiple levels of assessment services, all with flat rate pricing. For more information about this service and the flat rate pricing contact our office at 888-980-8544,, or simply use the form below.

Outside Photo Documentation

Photos of the front, side and rear elevations, and photos of the roof from the ground. Pictures of any additional structures including fences, garages, and sheds.

Add inside photo documentation

Room by room inspections, photo documentation of all the interior rooms to provide photo evidence of what was and wasn’t there

Add electronic documentation and testing

Capture the model and serial numbers of the electronics and appliances, provide functional testing of these items, and price out LKQ equivalents.

Fence Only Inspection

Provide fence area measurements and photos, damaged area measurements and photos, and fence material

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